If 2023 was the year many of us developed a degree of AI-induced neurosis at the fear the machines would at best steal our jobs, at worst bring about the apocalypse, then 2024 has so been the year of toned down expectations. Instead of depriving us of our livelihoods artificial intelligence is, if anything, giving us more work to do. In advertising at least. Could they not find a happy medium? Say one where we get paid to hang out with our pals and play board games?
But developments in the sector continue apace. More than any other company Google is putting this magic at the heart of what they do. Every other month or so it seems the big G rolls out some new AI creative features. They’re all intended to lure us in and lock us down.
On the one hand it’s manipulative, sneaky, clever business. Viewed less cynically it’s just about giving us the opportunity to do more with less. It might be hard to imagine for the youngsters out there but text ads weren’t always as easy to work with, even if there was a lot less to them. Might we sooner or later might we see the AI creative production line in the same way?
The newest and shiniest toys to come out of Mountain View are similar to those unveiled back in spring. These ones may not take things up to eleven, but are still probably a solid 7.5.
New AI creative features
Increased creative AI editing options and further roll-out across campaign types
At present, for the most part, if you want a slightly different creative from one you’re already using, you have to go back to the start, by requesting an entirely new image using a variant of the original prompt. No longer! Rather you will be able to effectively AI edit the existing asset, by instructing the tool to change just part. Suggestions include adding or removing objects, modifying backgrounds, or altering the dimensions of the image.
Say, for example, your existing picture is of a cat wearing a sunhat at the beach. Want to make that a winter photo? Simply select the appropriate part of the image and ask the tool to swap the seaside for a ski lodge, the cap for a beanie. Even a very modestly modified prompt might give you a different cat. This way you only need to change the element you want to change.
Everything at Google is still Performance max first, but soon this feature will be available for other campaign types. Speaking of which…
Increased AI creative asset generation options
Google has finally acknowledged that we’re not all as on board with Pmax as they would like us to be. At the same time they know we still do want to create assets quickly, easily and at scale, for deployment within those campaign types with which you’re more comfortable.
As arguably something of a gateway drug, you’re going to be able to use the generative image creator on your App and Display activity. Not only that, but rather than secretly squirreled away, you’ll be able to access these creative tools directly from the create menu. Like so:

At the very least this should streamline your working processes. But that’s not all.
Integration of externally produced creative AI assets into Google Ads and Performance Max
Google would like us to believe not only that it does everything but that it is the best at everything it does. If it was up to them we would picture the product creation process as row upon row of happy little artisan elves crafting away within workshops around the world. Of course the reality is not that. Other clever companies exist. While Google would like to swallow them up and integrate them directly, sometimes that option is not available. Or not available yet. So instead they become partners.
Earlier this year, Google announced partnerships with a number of creative platforms you might already be using: Canva, Smartly, and Pencil. They’ve recently Typeface to that list, making even more creative options and styles available. Typeface is already integrated into the Google Ads API which makes the process of creating image ads within your Pmax campaigns as close to seamless as it gets.
If you’re already using any of these programs, it will be easier to integrate them into your campaigns.
The use of AI generated creative may not be second nature to you. Yet.
As more of these tools are rolled out, however, and they are gradually moved from the periphery of the interface to its main menu, it will get easier. You should expect their use to go from occasional, to regular, to eventually everyday. Though these features may be alien at the moment, before long they’ll be akin to a comfortable pair of sneakers.