According to eMarketer’s newest estimates as of August 2019, travel is the sixth-largest industry in terms of ad spending in the US this year. Digital ad spending will hit $10.86 billion this year and increase to $13 billion next year. The travel industry is very dependent on search advertising as you’ll see in this report, but continuous testing and optimizing in other channels outside of search is also important to the bigger picture of your marketing efforts.
Your marketing channels, whether email, social, your website, search, blogs, events, direct mail, etc should not be siloed, but a part of your marketing ecosystem. All tactics you implement are related and should support one another, whether directly or indirectly. While there are proven methods, like search ads and remarketing, that are effective in the travel industry, less common channels like podcast ads and chatbots can make big impacts on your marketing when done smartly. The key is to keep testing!
Here’s a look at some of the stats you’ll find in this report:

The report also goes through what platforms marketers are investing in, how budgets will change in the next 12 months, how Machine Learning has impacted the travel industry, and predictions from the Hanapin team for the industry.
P.S. We’ll be releasing more reports soon on industries like Retail, SaaS, and Healthcare….Stay Tuned!