PPC Hero https://www.ppchero.com Fri, 02 Aug 2024 11:27:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://www.ppchero.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/cropped-ppchero-icon-32x32.png PPC Hero https://www.ppchero.com 32 32 PPC Hero Summit is giving away Free Hero Conf Tickets [+More info on sessions] https://www.ppchero.com/ppc-hero-summit-is-giving-away-free-hero-conf-tickets-more-info-on-sessions/ Wed, 20 Feb 2019 16:00:12 +0000 http://ppchero.com/ppc-hero-summit-is-giving-away-free-hero-conf-tickets-more-info-on-sessions/ The PPC Hero Summit will be giving away tickets to Hero Conf Philadelphia! In order to win, you have to be in attendance. Learn more details about the giveaways and the topics you'll see covered at the event.

<p>The post PPC Hero Summit is giving away Free Hero Conf Tickets [+More info on sessions] first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Submit Your Landing Page For A New Contest: The Landing Page Games! https://www.ppchero.com/submit-your-landing-page-for-a-new-contest-the-landing-page-games/ Wed, 27 Aug 2014 17:15:30 +0000 http://ppchero.com/submit-your-landing-page-for-a-new-contest-the-landing-page-games/ Is your landing page visually, very appealing?  Does your page have clean and simple technical elements that get your users to convert? Do you think it has a sweet blend of science (technical) and magic (design) elements? Prove it. Submit your landing page for The Landing Page Games: Science vs Magic PPC Hero is introducing […]

<p>The post Submit Your Landing Page For A New Contest: The Landing Page Games! first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Wordstream is having a contest! https://www.ppchero.com/wordstream-is-having-a-contest/ Wed, 23 Oct 2013 13:00:30 +0000 http://ppchero.com/wordstream-is-having-a-contest/ So we’ve got some very exciting news! Our friends over at Wordstream are holding a contest! They just launched a Grader Contest where they’re giving away $25,000 in Google AdWords spend to one lucky small business. They’re also giving away some other great prizes as well including a year free of Constant Contact email services […]

<p>The post Wordstream is having a contest! first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

PPC Hero and Hanapin are Using Social Media to Give Back https://www.ppchero.com/ppc-hero-and-hanapin-are-using-social-media-to-give-back/ Tue, 01 May 2012 12:00:23 +0000 http://ppchero.com/ppc-hero-and-hanapin-are-using-social-media-to-give-back/ Hanapin Marketing and PPC Hero are invested in giving back to our community and others in need. In fact, Hanapin donates part of our profits to charities every year. This time, we’re going to let our loyal readers have a say in our our donations through social media! We have decided to donate $0.25 for […]

<p>The post PPC Hero and Hanapin are Using Social Media to Give Back first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Conversion Rate Redemption! Receive a FREE Account Analysis with Hero Conf Registration Through 1/22 https://www.ppchero.com/conversion-rate-redemption/ Mon, 16 Jan 2012 14:00:51 +0000 http://ppchero.com/conversion-rate-redemption/ Now through January 22nd, receive a free analysis of your AdWords account with your Hero Conf registration- compliments of  Query Miner! Act now, because this is limited to the first 25 registrants. Once you register, we will send you a unique URL. You provide authorization for Query Miner to pull data from the account (via […]

<p>The post Conversion Rate Redemption! Receive a FREE Account Analysis with Hero Conf Registration Through 1/22 first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Delivering on the Look After the Leap https://www.ppchero.com/delivering-on-the-look-after-the-leap/ Tue, 03 Jan 2012 17:24:43 +0000 http://ppchero.com/delivering-on-the-look-after-the-leap/ Back when e-commerce was relatively new, one of the go-to best practices for improving usability and conversion was to consistently tell visitors what would happen next.  So you would: write embedded links so that visitors could reliably tell where they would land after the jump explicitly state what would happen as a result of filling […]

<p>The post Delivering on the Look After the Leap first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Facebook Ads and “The Sale Before the Sale” https://www.ppchero.com/facebook-ads-and-the-sale-before-the-sale/ Tue, 06 Dec 2011 17:54:28 +0000 http://ppchero.com/facebook-ads-and-the-sale-before-the-sale/ Even more than most ads, Facebook Ads are tasked not so much with making the sale, but in making “the sale before the sale.” In other words, your Facebook ads have to sell the prospect on giving you an audience.  And this comes in two stages, as well: Stage 1: Sell the prospect on halting […]

<p>The post Facebook Ads and “The Sale Before the Sale” first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Landing Page Survey – Win a $50 Amazon Gift Card! https://www.ppchero.com/landing-page-survey-win-a-50-amazon-gift-card-2/ Mon, 10 May 2010 12:52:22 +0000 http://ppchero.com/landing-page-survey-win-a-50-amazon-gift-card-2/ We need your help! Landing pages are obviously an integral part of PPC campaigns, and we’re conducting a survey about landing pages to better understand how businesses utilize them. This short survey (15 questions; 5 minutes) will provide us with lots of valuable data about this facet of PPC. We’ll share that data with you […]

<p>The post Landing Page Survey – Win a $50 Amazon Gift Card! first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

PPC Hero Readership Survey – Your Chance to Win a Free Landing Page Review! https://www.ppchero.com/ppc-hero-readership-survey-your-chance-to-win-a-free-landing-page-review/ Mon, 30 Nov 2009 18:20:33 +0000 http://ppchero.com/ppc-hero-readership-survey-your-chance-to-win-a-free-landing-page-review/ PPC Hero Readers – We need your help! In a continuous effort to improve our blog we’d liked to update our Readership Stats. We’ve created a short survey that we’d love for you to help us with. Our goal is two-fold: first off, we would like to learn specific details about our readers which will […]

<p>The post PPC Hero Readership Survey – Your Chance to Win a Free Landing Page Review! first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Grand Prize Winner for our Totally Awesome SEM Sweepstakes! https://www.ppchero.com/grand-prize-winner-for-our-totally-awesome-sem-sweepstakes/ Wed, 14 Oct 2009 15:49:46 +0000 http://ppchero.com/grand-prize-winner-for-our-totally-awesome-sem-sweepstakes/ Today we are drawing for the grand prize winner for our Totally SEM Sweepstakes! This lucky person will receive a free PPC account review or SEO website review from the Hanapin Marketing Team. Nice! The email will be going out to the winner shortly. Phew! And that does it! The contest is done. Congratulations to […]

<p>The post Grand Prize Winner for our Totally Awesome SEM Sweepstakes! first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>
