PPC Hero https://www.ppchero.com Fri, 02 Aug 2024 11:25:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://www.ppchero.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/cropped-ppchero-icon-32x32.png PPC Hero https://www.ppchero.com 32 32 Happy Thanksgiving 2009 from PPC Hero! https://www.ppchero.com/happy-thanksgiving-2009-from-ppc-hero/ Wed, 25 Nov 2009 13:24:42 +0000 http://ppchero.com/happy-thanksgiving-2009-from-ppc-hero/ We love the holidays! But I’m sure you knew that by now! We especially love Thanksgiving. Sure, family, friends and special time together is great… but we’re all about the food! Who isn’t, right? We’re also all about cheesy 1950s-looking outfits as well. PPC Hero has been watching a little bit too much Mad Men […]

<p>The post Happy Thanksgiving 2009 from PPC Hero! first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Landing Page Testing: How to test and what to test https://www.ppchero.com/landing-page-testing-how-to-test-and-what-to-test/ Tue, 17 Nov 2009 11:00:04 +0000 http://ppchero.com/landing-page-testing-how-to-test-and-what-to-test/ Testing your ad copy and your landing pages can significantly improve your paid search efforts. Of course, building a solid keyword base, creating an optimized account structure, and executing a well-planned bid management strategy are also crucial. However, testing allows you to understand how to optimize and improve your communication with your target audience. Conducting […]

<p>The post Landing Page Testing: How to test and what to test first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

What Keeps Someone From Clicking on Your PPC Ad? https://www.ppchero.com/what-keeps-someone-from-clicking-on-your-ppc-ad/ Tue, 10 Nov 2009 21:05:23 +0000 http://ppchero.com/what-keeps-someone-from-clicking-on-your-ppc-ad/ Sure, paid search ad copy contains only 25 characters for the headline (in AdWords) and 70 characters for the body copy, but this small space can be very complex to utilize optimally. Within the confines of a PPC ad text you need to be relevant to your keywords, list as many benefits as possible, be […]

<p>The post What Keeps Someone From Clicking on Your PPC Ad? first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

How to Fine Tune Your International Campaigns in AdWords https://www.ppchero.com/how-to-fine-tune-your-international-campaigns-in-adwords/ Tue, 03 Nov 2009 21:54:10 +0000 http://ppchero.com/how-to-fine-tune-your-international-campaigns-in-adwords/ You always need to exercise caution when utilizing broad match in AdWords. This almost goes without saying, but I said it anyway. The scope of queries matched to each broad match keyword has grown over the past couple of years, especially with the introduction of Google’s expanded broad match. Today, I will spin a cautionary […]

<p>The post How to Fine Tune Your International Campaigns in AdWords first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Happy Halloween 2009 from PPC Hero! https://www.ppchero.com/happy-halloween-2009-from-ppc-hero/ Sat, 31 Oct 2009 05:00:38 +0000 http://ppchero.com/happy-halloween-2009-from-ppc-hero/ We love Halloween! Last year, PPC Hero was a hit as Disco Stew! With the vampire hype this year, PPC Hero thought he would be a blood sucker this year. But he would do it old school style! We’re talking Bela Lugosi Dracula style! I want to suck your blood! Happy Halloween everyone!

<p>The post Happy Halloween 2009 from PPC Hero! first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Learn More about SEM Rush- Sponsored Post https://www.ppchero.com/learn-more-about-sem-rush-sponsored-post/ Thu, 29 Oct 2009 17:40:32 +0000 http://ppchero.com/learn-more-about-sem-rush-sponsored-post/ Wouldn’t it be great to know what keywords your competitors are using with just one click?  What if with that same click you could also find estimated traffic and ad positioning or even see a list of your direct competitors? If you aspire to optimize your site without spending a lot of money and time, […]

<p>The post Learn More about SEM Rush- Sponsored Post first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Grand Prize Winner for our Totally Awesome SEM Sweepstakes! https://www.ppchero.com/grand-prize-winner-for-our-totally-awesome-sem-sweepstakes/ Wed, 14 Oct 2009 15:49:46 +0000 http://ppchero.com/grand-prize-winner-for-our-totally-awesome-sem-sweepstakes/ Today we are drawing for the grand prize winner for our Totally SEM Sweepstakes! This lucky person will receive a free PPC account review or SEO website review from the Hanapin Marketing Team. Nice! The email will be going out to the winner shortly. Phew! And that does it! The contest is done. Congratulations to […]

<p>The post Grand Prize Winner for our Totally Awesome SEM Sweepstakes! first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Software Winners for our Totally Awesome SEM Sweepstakes! https://www.ppchero.com/software-winners-for-our-totally-awesome-sem-sweepstakes/ Tue, 13 Oct 2009 13:54:35 +0000 http://ppchero.com/software-winners-for-our-totally-awesome-sem-sweepstakes/ Yesterday we drew for the book prizes, and today we’re drawing the software prize winners for our Totally Awesome SEM Sweepstakes give away! Winners will be notified by email about their totally awesome prize! So, what did these folks win? Good question! This is what we’re giving away: 3 free subscriptions to SEO Moz 3 […]

<p>The post Software Winners for our Totally Awesome SEM Sweepstakes! first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Book Prize Winners for our Totally Awesome SEM Sweepstakes! https://www.ppchero.com/book-prize-winners-for-our-totally-awesome-sem-sweepstakes/ Mon, 12 Oct 2009 16:50:46 +0000 http://ppchero.com/book-prize-winners-for-our-totally-awesome-sem-sweepstakes/ Today we are drawing book prize winners for our Totally Awesome SEM Sweepstakes give away! Each of these 100 lucky folks will receive a copy of the SEM book of their choosing! Winner’s will be notified by email with further details and a request for shipping information. Yeah! TOMORROW we will randomly draw winners for […]

<p>The post Book Prize Winners for our Totally Awesome SEM Sweepstakes! first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Expand Your Keyword List for Free: How the New WordStream Keyword Tool Works https://www.ppchero.com/expand-your-keyword-list-for-free-how-the-new-wordstream-keyword-tool-works/ Tue, 06 Oct 2009 17:12:17 +0000 http://ppchero.com/expand-your-keyword-list-for-free-how-the-new-wordstream-keyword-tool-works/ Whenever a new PPC tool is released, we try to do a quick review to let you know how it works and if it would be beneficial for your PPC campaign. Today, I’m going to explore the new Free Keyword Tool from WordStream. Overall, the tool is quite easy to use. Even upon your arrival […]

<p>The post Expand Your Keyword List for Free: How the New WordStream Keyword Tool Works first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>
