PPC Hero https://www.ppchero.com Fri, 02 Aug 2024 11:27:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://www.ppchero.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/cropped-ppchero-icon-32x32.png PPC Hero https://www.ppchero.com 32 32 Relinquishing Control Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love PPC Automation https://www.ppchero.com/relinquishing-control-or-how-i-learned-to-stop-worrying-and-love-ppc-automation/ Wed, 31 Jul 2019 12:15:03 +0000 http://ppchero.com/relinquishing-control-or-how-i-learned-to-stop-worrying-and-love-ppc-automation/ The manual methods that work are the exception, not the rule. Repeat that to yourself every time you think you are outsmarting the system. Educate yourself, experiment, and stay excited. Can you imagine working in an industry that doesn’t change and adapt?

<p>The post Relinquishing Control Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love PPC Automation first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Making Ends Meet: Combining Lead Data for Closed Loop PPC Reporting https://www.ppchero.com/making-ends-meet-combining-lead-data-for-closed-loop-ppc-reporting/ Tue, 11 Jun 2019 12:15:27 +0000 http://ppchero.com/making-ends-meet-combining-lead-data-for-closed-loop-ppc-reporting/ When working in PPC data, we can feel so superior to other marketing channels. We have instant data. We don’t have to wait to see the impact of our optimizations no matter how big or small. But how can we connect the PPC data to the sales cycle that starts after the conversion? I'll walk you through a few options in this post.

<p>The post Making Ends Meet: Combining Lead Data for Closed Loop PPC Reporting first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Google Ads Phasing Out Game Content Category https://www.ppchero.com/google-ads-phasing-out-game-content-category/ Tue, 07 May 2019 12:15:41 +0000 http://ppchero.com/google-ads-phasing-out-game-content-category/ Last week, Google Ads announced an important change for exclusion categories: "Games" content exclusion will be deprecated. This change is in line with Google Ads claim of streamlining content exclusion options they rolled out in 2018.

<p>The post Google Ads Phasing Out Game Content Category first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

How To Write Excellent RSAs https://www.ppchero.com/how-to-write-excellent-rsas/ Tue, 26 Mar 2019 11:56:17 +0000 http://ppchero.com/how-to-write-excellent-rsas/ Google has been telling us for a bit now that Responsive Search Ads are all the rage and we should be running these across the board. Not everyone is so sure of the performance Google claims they have. I have a success story I'd like to share as well as some quick tips for turning RSA performance around.

<p>The post How To Write Excellent RSAs first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Heroes Don’t Work Alone: Why Agencies and In-House Teams Need Each Other https://www.ppchero.com/heroes-dont-work-alone-why-agencies-and-in-house-teams-need-each-other/ Wed, 20 Mar 2019 14:56:10 +0000 http://ppchero.com/heroes-dont-work-alone-why-agencies-and-in-house-teams-need-each-other/ Hi. I’m Lauren. I work at a world-class PPC agency. Nice to meet you. You say you do PPC for your company? Amazing! So what brings you to PPC Hero? Are you drawn to the incredible insights you get from Mary Hartman’s blogs (have you seen her latest?) Or you can’t get enough of Briana’s […]

<p>The post Heroes Don’t Work Alone: Why Agencies and In-House Teams Need Each Other first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

First Page Search Bids: Should You Go All In? https://www.ppchero.com/first-page-search-bids/ Thu, 31 Jan 2019 13:50:14 +0000 http://ppchero.com/first-page-search-bids/ In this post, I’ll walk you through my way of projecting impact of keywords buried at the bottom of the deck and how to evaluate if the financial risk is worth getting them to see the light again.

<p>The post First Page Search Bids: Should You Go All In? first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

How We Train PPC Experts https://www.ppchero.com/training-ppc-experts/ Thu, 29 Nov 2018 13:50:08 +0000 http://ppchero.com/training-ppc-experts/ Explore Hanapin’s newest approach to training through all stages of development.

<p>The post How We Train PPC Experts first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Moving Pieces: Thinking About PPC Strategy https://www.ppchero.com/thinking-about-ppc-strategy/ Wed, 26 Sep 2018 12:50:27 +0000 http://ppchero.com/thinking-about-ppc-strategy/ Strategy. What is your strategy? As an agency, our team responds to that very question on a daily basis. How do we respond?

<p>The post Moving Pieces: Thinking About PPC Strategy first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

3 Methods for Training PPC Teams https://www.ppchero.com/3-methods-for-training-ppc-teams/ Tue, 10 Jul 2018 12:30:32 +0000 http://ppchero.com/3-methods-for-training-ppc-teams/ The PPC industry is vast and complex. Staying up to date with the latest strategies is key. In this post, I'll explore 3 ways Hanapin keeps our team engaged in learning PPC and how you can apply the same methods to your teams.

<p>The post 3 Methods for Training PPC Teams first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Life After A/B Ad Testing: A Retrospective https://www.ppchero.com/life-after-ab-ad-testing/ Mon, 04 Jun 2018 12:30:01 +0000 http://ppchero.com/life-after-ab-ad-testing/ What have you been doing in the post-A/B testing world? In this post, I'll talk through how I have been managing and give a few tips on how to reduce the mental stress of writing new copy.

<p>The post Life After A/B Ad Testing: A Retrospective first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>
