PPC Hero https://www.ppchero.com Fri, 02 Aug 2024 11:28:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://www.ppchero.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/cropped-ppchero-icon-32x32.png PPC Hero https://www.ppchero.com 32 32 LinkedIn Events: Mixing Your Organic and Paid Strategy to drive Webinar Registrations https://www.ppchero.com/linkedin-events-mixing-your-organic-and-paid-strategy-to-drive-webinar-registrations/ Thu, 03 Dec 2020 14:15:00 +0000 http://ppchero.com/linkedin-events-mixing-your-organic-and-paid-strategy-to-drive-webinar-registrations/ LinkedIn Events is an elegant solution to driving registrants to online events. Learn a LinkedIn Event strategy that will set your audience’s interest ablaze!

<p>The post LinkedIn Events: Mixing Your Organic and Paid Strategy to drive Webinar Registrations first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Funnel.io Setup Tips For Marketing Reports https://www.ppchero.com/funnel-io-setup-tips-for-marketing-reports/ Thu, 03 Sep 2020 12:15:00 +0000 http://ppchero.com/funnel-io-setup-tips-for-marketing-reports/ Data management for reporting is time-consuming, so the right tools are key. One paid media strategist shares her enthusiasm for one of those tools, Funnel.io.

<p>The post Funnel.io Setup Tips For Marketing Reports first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Tips for Building Expansion Proposals https://www.ppchero.com/tips-for-building-expansion-proposals/ Mon, 06 Jul 2020 12:15:00 +0000 http://ppchero.com/tips-for-building-expansion-proposals/ This post outlines a few things that “past you” can do to make “future you” look like a genius as you expand your business’s marketing plan.

<p>The post Tips for Building Expansion Proposals first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Ad Copy Tips For the COVID Era https://www.ppchero.com/ad-copy-tips-for-the-covid-era/ Wed, 13 May 2020 12:15:00 +0000 http://ppchero.com/ad-copy-tips-for-the-covid-era/ Striking the right balance between promotional and socially conscious messaging is a challenge right now. Here are tips to consider.

<p>The post Ad Copy Tips For the COVID Era first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

A Quick Look at Walmart Media and Spiceworks https://www.ppchero.com/a-quick-look-at-walmart-media-and-spiceworks/ Wed, 18 Mar 2020 12:15:00 +0000 http://ppchero.com/a-quick-look-at-walmart-media-and-spiceworks/ Digital Marketing is ever-changing. New platforms, networks, and services pop up every month. Keep up-to-date with PPC Hero.

<p>The post A Quick Look at Walmart Media and Spiceworks first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Google Merchant Center Disapproval: A GTIN Story https://www.ppchero.com/google-merchant-center-disapproval-a-gtin-story/ Wed, 13 Nov 2019 13:15:41 +0000 http://ppchero.com/google-merchant-center-disapproval-a-gtin-story/ I am not a feed manager. I have access to my client’s merchant center, but we work with a separate company for feed management and optimizations. That said, I am heavily affected by our feed as I do manage our shopping campaigns in Google Ads. If you manage shopping campaigns, you’ve likely been impacted by […]

<p>The post Google Merchant Center Disapproval: A GTIN Story first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

“All I Want for Christmas is an Apple Editor”: Campaign Build and Bidding Tips for Apple Search Ads https://www.ppchero.com/all-i-want-for-christmas-is-an-apple-editor-campaign-build-and-bidding-tips-for-apple-search-ads/ Tue, 28 May 2019 12:15:28 +0000 http://ppchero.com/all-i-want-for-christmas-is-an-apple-editor-campaign-build-and-bidding-tips-for-apple-search-ads/ Apple Search Ads is essential to my app marketing, but it has a few quirks. In this article, I'll walk you through a few thoughts and tips for progress.

<p>The post “All I Want for Christmas is an Apple Editor”: Campaign Build and Bidding Tips for Apple Search Ads first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

Building a Simple Ad Creative Matrix Template https://www.ppchero.com/building-a-simple-creative-matrix-template/ Mon, 08 Apr 2019 12:15:37 +0000 http://ppchero.com/building-a-simple-creative-matrix-template/ Ad Copy is your company or client's voice projecting out into the deep nothingness that is the internet. Using a Creative Matrix is one way to keep those voices organized!

<p>The post Building a Simple Ad Creative Matrix Template first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

3 Essential Excel Practices for Formatting https://www.ppchero.com/excel-practices-for-formatting/ Tue, 19 Mar 2019 12:15:17 +0000 http://ppchero.com/excel-practices-for-formatting/ In this post we'll go over If/Then statements, =SUBSTITUTE, and =CONCATENATE for keyword formatting and ad copy auditing.

<p>The post 3 Essential Excel Practices for Formatting first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>

How are Your Best Practices Holding Up In 2019? https://www.ppchero.com/changing-best-practices-in-2019/ Thu, 21 Feb 2019 13:15:11 +0000 http://ppchero.com/changing-best-practices-in-2019/ Taking a moment in 2019 to take stock on how the industry has changed and how updating best practices will keep you on top of your game. 

<p>The post How are Your Best Practices Holding Up In 2019? first appeared on PPC Hero.</p>
